A cataract is a gradual opacification of the eye’s natural crystalline lens. The lens is…


Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by the Ebola virus. It causes severe…


You shouldn’t overlook your eyes health rather use this guide to protect your sight. Eat…

By: Dr Omale Charles Living in Nigeria means being exposed to the sun`s powerful rays…

By: Dr. Omale Charles 1. Can your eyes be damaged by reading in dim light,…

By: Dr. Omale Charles Eyes are not called the windows of our soul for nothing….

The small specks, “bugs” or clouds that you may sometimes see moving in your field…

What is the conjunctiva? The conjunctiva is the thin transparent lining of the eyeball, covering…

Vision contributes a great deal to an infant’s perception of the world. Many parents naturally…

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a degenerative condition of the macula (the central most sensitive…

Blepharitis is a very common condition causing inflammation of the eyelid margin and usually involves…


Glaucoma is the commonest cause of preventable, irreversible blindness in the West, and affects about…